Friday, 8 May 2009

Andy Warhol Shadows I

Andy Warhol Shadows IAndy Warhol OxidationAndy Warhol NeuschwansteinAndy Warhol Knives black and white
No‑one knows why Death started to take a practical interest in the human beings he had worked with for so long. It was probably just curiosity. Even the most efficient rat‑catcher will sooner or later take an interest in rats. They might watch rats live and die, and record every detail of rat existence, although they may never themselves actually know what it is Actually, it's only thirty‑three per cent, but it could be worse.

Where to finish?
A dark, stormy night. A coach, horses gone, plunging through the rickety, useless fence and dropping, tumbling into the gorge below. It doesn't even strike an outcrop of rock before it hits the dried river‑bed far below, and erupts into fragmentslike to run the maze.But if it is true that the act of observing changes the thing which is more true that it changes the observer.Mort and Ysabell got married.They had a child.This is also a story about sex and drugs and Music With Rocks In.Well . . .. . . one out of three ain't bad.

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