Friday, 24 April 2009

Pop art miles davis no.8

Pop art miles davis no.8Pop art miles 1960Pop art miles 1960, on rust
The skirt tore. A dozen lace roses unraveled.
Shawn had never been privy to what queens wore under
LORDS ftffQ Lft0/£6
their clothesmethodically, using strips of silk as bandages. Diamanda was less easy. Magrat cleaned and stitched and bandaged, while Shawn sat and watched, trying to ignore the insistent hot-ice pain from his arm.
He kept repeating, “They just laughed and stabbed her.
She didn’t even try to run away. It was like they were playing.”
For some reason Magrat shot a glance at Greebo, who had the decency to look embarrassed.
“Pointy ears and hair you want to stroke,” she said, vaguely. “And they can fascinate you. And when , but even starting with certain observations concerning Millie Chillum and working his way up, he’d never considered metal underwear.Magrat thumped the breastplate.“Fairly good fit,” she said, defying Shawn to point out that in certain areas there was quite a lot of air between the metal and Magrat. “Not that a few tucks and a rivet here and there wouldn’t help. Don’t you think it looks good?”“Oh, yes,” said Shawn. “Uh. Sheet iron is really you.”“You really think so?”“Oh, yes,” said Shawn, inventing madly. “You’ve got the figure for it.”She set and splinted his arm and fingers, working

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