Sunday, 14 September 2008

Edmund Blair Leighton Edmund Blair Leighton God Speed painting

Edmund Blair Leighton Edmund Blair Leighton God Speed paintingEdmund Blair Leighton The Charity of St paintingEdmund Blair Leighton Edmund Blair Leighton Alain Chartier painting
"Listen carefully, Mom," I said; "Can you call for the Founder's Scroll? I want to put it back in its case." Whatever fugitive notion I'd had earlier concerning this item of my Assignment gave way before a true inspiration: Had not Enos Enoch and a hundred other wayfaring dons of fact and fiction taught, by their own example, that the Way to Commencement Gate led through Nether Campus? Was not my answer,Failure is Passage, but an epigrammatic form of that same truth?Re-place the Founder's Scroll had seemed, in the spring, the simplest and clearest imperative of all, and yet the bafflingest, since the Scroll had not been lost; and my response to it had seemed, even at the time, the most specious of my Tutorhood -- though to be sure they'd all been incorrect. It was fitting, then -- stirringly so! -- that on this round, so to speak, when I'd "solved" the first five problems with a deliberate speciousness, the rule of inversion would hold equally for the sixth, and make my re-placement of the Scroll not only bonafide but profoundly significant. It hadnot been misplaced, that was the point; but it was now, for I had misplaced it last time around -- and

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