Thursday, 17 July 2008

Guillaume Seignac Psyche painting

Guillaume Seignac Psyche painting
John William Waterhouse The Lady of Shalott painting
mountaineer by training, Robert's first urban feat took place in his hometown of Valence, when the then-12-year-old scampered up to enter his family's eighth-floor apartment after losing his keys. Now 39, his conquests have included the Sears Towers, the Empire State building, the Eiffel Tower and the world's highest skyscraper in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. police are known to be a lot more sympathetic towards the local Spiderman than police in many parts of the world. Robert was apprehended onthe top of the headquarters of the oil corporation TotalFinaElf in the city's crowded La Defense business district.
stuntman Alain Robert, also known as Spiderman, climbs the 627-foot-tall TotalFinaElf building in Paris.
Daredevil French

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