Thursday, 26 June 2008

Thomas Kinkade The Night Before Christmas painting

Thomas Kinkade The Night Before Christmas painting
Thomas Kinkade The Light of Freedom painting

My dear, there is an upper window in the prison, to which Charles can sometimes gain access at three in the afternoon. When he can get to it-which depends on many uncertainties and incidents-he might see you in the street, he thinks, if you stood in a certain place that I can show you. But you will not be able to see him, my poor child, and even if you could, it would be unsafe for you to make a sign of recognition.'
`O show me the place, my father, and I will go there everyday.'
From that time, in all weathers, she waited there two hours. As the clock struck two, she was there, and at four she turned resignedly away. When it was not too wet or inclement for her child to be with her, they went together; at other times she was alone; but she never missed a single day.
It was the dark and dirty corner of a small winding street. The hovel of a cutter of wood into lengths for burning, was the only house at that end; all else was wall. On the third day of her being there, he noticed her.
`Good day, citizeness.'
`Good day, citizen.'

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